The idea is to tell 6 things that people may not know about me, then tag 5 other bloggers to do the same. So here goes:
1. I collect cookbooks and own (and display and use) over 500.
2. Some of the jobs I've held in my life are: art teacher, buyer for old general store, artist at a magazine, baker, waitress, and museum vice president.
3. I never had a cat until I was an adult. But, as an adult, I have had as many as 15 cats at a time (I'm not so insane as I was when I was younger... only 6 cats now).
4. When I was a child I organized my books according to the Dewey decimal system.
5. About 95% of the time I basically wear one of two pairs of shoes. Merrill sandals in the summer, Birkenstock clogs in the winter.
6. Bob and I are currently trying to recover from Empty Nest shock. The boy got himself a good job (at a well know natural foods grocery chain that treats its employees well), is taking a full load of college classes, and has an apartment with his wonderful girlfriend. We miss him!
That was difficult to think of six!
Now it's time for me to tag. I'm going to pick 5 folks from the EtsyGreetings Street Team:
A Punkin Card Company
Jill Hannah
K is for Calligraphy
Macaroni and Glue
Now it's up to you. Play if you wish. Ignore it if you wish. :)
Wow, that is some cookbook collection. I probably have only 20 or 30 in mine, but truth is I tend to stay with the ones in my head or in my recipe collection on my computer.
I did it! Except I actually still need to go tag the bloggers! :D I need a break for now!
Here is my answer to you tagging me! Ignore the formatting errors! :D
It has been fun!
xo, Katy
Wow! I don't know which to be more in awe of, that you had 15 cats or 500 cookbooks!
Both are pretty scary, actually....
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